Monday, August 2, 2010


Why Permanent Hair Removal?

Our friend Sasha rutinity…

Saturday: Morning appointment at the salon.

Legs and underarms and upper lip waxed.

Constantly reminding yourself through each rip “No pain, no gain”. Rp 100,000.

Monday: Notices lots of little pimples on the legs due to bacteria from the wax.

Wednesday: Pimples gone, but red spots still there.

Saturday: In the shower, notices the hairs are starting to come through

and convinces herself “oh… but they are thinner”

Sunday: “mental note: make appointment for waxing next Saturday”

Waxing, shaving, Indian string, plucking and creams…

they don’t stop the hair coming back!

Break the routine, save yourself money over the long run and stop the hair from coming back...

Popular Hair Removal Method


Once you shave the hair will start to grow faster and so on.

Once you begin you can never stop shaving unless you manage to

find a permanent hair removal method.


When the wax has cooled and dried the strip is ripped off quickly.

This takes all the hair with it. Now you can imagine that this is very

painful and can cause some damage. Bleeding is very possible with this method.


The hair removal creams on the market at this point are used to basically

dissolve the hair that resides in the area.

They are known to be irritating to some peoples skin.

Intense Pulse Light

IPL hair removal is a new tool that allows permanent hair removal

from the body.

IPL offers the most advanced treatment for permanent reduction

of hair growth currently on the market.

How IPL Works?

When the light pulse’s energy is absorbed by the hair

follicle it transforms into heat-thermalenergy.

Because the hair is shaved, the energy travels down to the end bulb.

The energy destroys the cells in the hair matrix and the dermal papilla,

eliminating their ability to produce new hair.

Is It Permanent?

  • Permanent hair removal refers to the permanent reduction of

the number of hairs re-growing after each treatment

  • Light coloured hairs (blonde, grey, red) are less affected by

IPL and either require more treatments or are never permanently removed.

  • New follicles created due to age or hormones are

often confused for unsuccessful treatment.

These new follicles can be treated by IPL when they appear.

  • Most people require 5 treatments, once every 4 – 6 weeks.
  • Only the hairs in the Anagen Phase of growth are treated by IPL

Any Side Effect or Pain?

Some redness and very mild swelling can occur. If there are any side effects,

they last from a few minutes to a couple of days.

Some people experience a mild electric sensation and warmth a

few seconds after treatment, but any discomfort is much less

than you experience with waxing.

ZAP only uses FDA (USA) approved machines.

Our machines filter out the ultraviolet rays of the light pulses.

IPL treatment is non-ablative: the skin surface remains intact.

Video Resource

About Permanent Hair Removal

How Permanent Is Permanent Hair Removal?

How Waxing Couse In grown hair?

posted by : Dhila